Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Terminally ill man in need of assistance – Jan 10, 2017

A terminally ill man was living with his mother and his wife who are both disabled.  He was previously homeless following release from prison but recently was able to arrange to live with his mother and wife.  They shared a small single wide trailer but their combined disability payments barely covered all their expenses.  Before his illness progressed he was able to do some painting jobs but had become too weak to continue to work.  As a result the finances were stretched very thin.  He reached out Change for a Dollar for assistance with their electric bill.  They were not in danger of being disconnected but the bill was coming due next week and they didn’t have enough funds.  Change for Dollars offered some advice that they get on balanced billing with SCE&G to levelize their monthly payments and assisted with a payment towards their outstanding bill.

SCE&G Payment - $150.00

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