Saturday, November 17, 2018

Friend of ETT guest loses daughter, struggles – November 16, 2018

A regular guest at the ETT serving site has a friend who less than a year ago got custody of her granddaughter when her daughter died.  The grandmother lives in Charleston and the mother and her daughter lived in Summerville up until her death.  The grandmother was financially okay living alone in Charleston but since taking in her granddaughter she has struggled.  She is looking for a way to move to Summerville so her granddaughter can go back to her school and join her friends.  She is looking for an affordable housing situation in Summerville but struggles right now with the additional expenses of her granddaughter.   The ETT guest asked if there was any way we could help his friend out.  Change for a Dollar checked on her electric bill.  While the bill was current there was a significant balance. Change for a Dollar assisted the woman by making a partial payment to her SCE&G account
SCE&G payment – $225.00

New beginners bibles for kids new to Ashley Ridge Church – November 14, 2018

Three children who are grandchildren of an ARC regular attender have been coming to church on and off for a couple of months. They are really getting into the experience. They are all relatively new to religious instruction and didn’t have any bibles.  An ARC owner offered to get the kids a basic beginner bibles and Change for a Dollar offered to assist with the cost.

Bibles for kids – $81.51

Single mom moves in with mother and attends church – November 12, 2018

A single mom has moved in with her mother who occasionally visits Ashley Ridge Church.  The daughter had to leave Georgia where she was living with her kids due to some family relationship matters that needs to get resolved.  The stay is supposed to be temporary but in the meantime the grandmother suggested to the kids to come to Ashley Ridge Church.  The children really enjoyed their time at church and when their mother arrived to live with them she started to attend as well.  She is a spiritual person but had not been to church in a while but when she came to ARC she truly enjoyed the worship experience.  She would like to journal over the years and also liked journaling in church.  Change for A Dollar got her a new application study bible for worship and a journal for her to start journaling in worship.

Bible and Journal - $59.11

A guest at ETT requests a bicycle – November 8, 2018

A regular guest at the Expanding the Table serving site had asked for a bicycle.  Over the years ETT through donations of bikes from folks and Change for a Dollar has been able to assist with bikes for basic means of transportation for some of the guests.  This guest never asked for assistance in the past as she had a very modest vehicle, although not very reliable.  She said that recently she was in need of a bike as her car was in for service, again.  Change for a Dollar provided her with a basic bicycle from Walmart so that she could still get to appointments and to the stores etc. while her can was being repaired.

Walmart bicycle – $96.12

A regular guest at Katie’s Krops has house with no heat– October 26, 2018

A regular guest at the monthly Katie’s Krops dinner shared with the folks in that ministry that she did not have any heat in her house.  The folks at Katie’s Krops have a close relationship with other local ministries in town and approached an ARC Owner who in turn asked Change for a Dollar to see if we could assist.   Change for a Dollar provided funds to the owner to do some shopping and presented the folks at Katie’s Krops with two electric heaters for their guest.  They were graciously received and they offered much thanks.

Two oil filled electric heaters – $81.73

ETT guest in need of funeral clothes – October 18, 2018

A local Summerville woman who is a regular guest of Expanding the Table recently shared with some volunteers her sister had just died.  She needed to travel out of town with other family members to attend the funeral. She was saddened that she did not have any nice clothes to wear to her sister’s services.  One of the female ETT volunteers hearing the story asked Change for a Dollar if we could assist in getting her a nice new outfit.  The volunteer did the shopping and the ETT guest was thrilled with the selection and was able to attend her sister’s funeral looking nice.  Another volunteer also helped her out with a gas card to help with the gas for the family members making the trip.  Upon her return she shared pictures of the family gathered together after the services all looking well dressed.

New outfit – $73.40