Friday, March 20, 2015

Summerville man lost his home / now homeless - 3/19/15

A Summerville man has been struggling with health issues and recently got divorced.  He was continuing to pay his mortgage but lost his job due to health issues.  He started selling goods at the local flea market and spent what was left of his savings.  He ran out of funds and recently was foreclosed on and evicted from his home and is now homeless.  He had a prescription from his doctor for his medication but could not afford to pay for it.  ARC Change for a Dollar help him by paying for the prescription.

Amount:  Prescription - $20

Recovering addict / single mom needed help - 3/12/15

A Summerville woman who is a recovering drug addict has been doing well in putting her life back together for herself and her 12 year old son.  She is part of a very small local church who has been helping her with her recovery.  She was going to school for a period of time and is now seeking employment.  She was getting some income while attending school but has fallen behind on the bills while looking for employment. The small church she attends had helped her financially in the past but was unable to continue to do so.  The pastor of the church approach ARC Change for a Dollar to see if there was some help available.  Change for a Dollar paid a portion of her electric bill and put her in touch with the SCE&G Customer Advocate who is helping her get her bills under control.

Amount:  SCE&G Payment - $330

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Prescription assistance for mentally challenged man - 2/26/15

A 52 year old patient the Medical Outreach Clinic in Summerville is mentally challenged and still lives with his elderly mother.  He recently suffered a mild stroke for which he was hospitalized and thankfully recovered quite well.  He was directed to continue with follow-up medical care and had been trying his best to continue with his medication.  His mother brought him to the free clinic at the direction of another physician.  He was given a prescription for medication which he was unable to afford.  He had no income and his mother was on a small social security payment so the Change for a Dollar program paid for his prescriptions and upcoming refills.

Amount:  Pharmacy bill - $150

Medical clinic patient stranded - 3/5/15

A patient who visits a Summerville free medical clinic was stranded one evening at the clinic.  She had gotten a ride to the clinic by a friend but the friend was not going to be able to pick her up.  She had made several calls to other friends who were not able to assist.  She called a taxi company and was quoted a price for transport to North Charleston but she only had $10 to her name.  ARC Change for a Dollar assisted with the cab fare.

Amount: Cab fare - $20

Wounded Warrior family assistance - 3/3/15

An SC&G Customer Advocate notified ARC Change for a Dollar of a wounded Afghanistan war veteran that was in financial trouble. The wounded warrior suffered multiple injuries in a roadside bombing including severe brain trauma.  He is currently disabled at over 100% and is receiving benefits and medical care through the VA.  The young man has been trying to live independently but suffers from a variety of seizures that he routinely needs to be hospitalized and treated for.  Ironically, a couple of the prescriptions, of the many he is on, are not covered by the VA or his insurance.  The prescriptions cost him over $1,000 per month.  Between the hospital stays, the seizures, and the high cost of living he has had to move back in with his parents.  The family continues to try to find additional doctors to assist in his care and spends a lot of time monitoring him so he does not get hurt during his seizures.  The family has decided to forego the rent and any utilities on his place as any hopes of him living independently in the future are slim at best.  This has put a strain on the family financials and Change for a Dollar tried to ease some of that burden with some food gift cards.

Amount: BiLo food card - $200