Saturday, September 19, 2015

Single Dad, needed help with rent/electric – Sept 14, 2015

A local man who was recently divorced had been concerned about his daughter.  He recently had received custody of his daughter through the courts.  In the process his finances were stretched.  He also at the same time had not gotten as much work as he had in the past.  His rent and electric bill were overdue.  Change for a Dollar helped pay his electric bill, thus preventing a shut off.

SCE - $230.40

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Bicycle repair for Homeless man Sept 7, 2015

A local homeless man who lives in the woods rides a bicycle for transportation.  One day the “critters”, most likely squirrels, chewed up his bicycle seat.  For the past few weeks he had been riding with the seat missing half of its padding.  Additionally, the Ashley Ridge Food truck mission, Expanding the Table, has been helping distribute bicycles from a local bicycle mission to the guests who lack transportation.  In addition to buying the new seat for the homeless man Change for a Dollar supplied bicycle locks for several of the bicycle recipients.

Bicycle Supplies - $56.00

Homeless man in need of medical supplies – Sept 5, 2015

A local homeless man was admitted to the hospital a couple of weeks ago for a serious infection.  He spent eight days in the hospital on IV antibiotics.  He had a large open wound from treatment in the hospital that needed post hospitalization treatment.  He lacked the means to pay for medications, over the counter medicines and medical supplies to keep the wound clean while he heals.  Change for a Dollar arranged for him to get the necessary supplies through Guerin’s Pharmacy in Summerville to treat himself.  Change for a Dollar paid for the supplies.

Medical Supplies - $100.00