Friday, June 30, 2017

Single mom of three loses job – July 1, 2017

A single mom with three young boys was working with an ARC owner but was recently laid off from the office where they worked.  She was a hard working woman and quickly connected with a temp agency and picked up odd jobs immediately.  The family was living paycheck to paycheck and the loss of the job put the family in jeopardy of being evicted.  The woman was raising just enough money through her odd jobs to pay her rent for the coming month.  Any savings were quickly depleted and she was also looking at an electric disconnect notice within the next ten days.  The ARC owner, her former coworker, asked Change for a Dollar to assist. We arranged to pay the disconnect amount preventing the shut off thereby buying her some time as more steady employment became available.

SCE&G Payment – $202.46

Family tragedy leads to help with electric – June 22, 2017

A family known to the Ashley Ridge Church congregation / Expanding the Table mission recently suffered a terrible tragedy.  One of the family members was murdered late one evening.  This fellow was living with his mother and was one of the primary bread winners in the household.  His death has resulted in a loss of income for the family.  The church and many others jumped in to help the extended family with meals and assistance with the funeral expenses but it also became evident that the electric bills for the mother’s place were also in arrears.  Change for a Dollar assisted the woman in her time of need by making a substantial payment on her past due electric bill.  This helped in that it was one less thing she needed to worry about as the family grieved their loss.

SCE&G Payment – $454.08

Summerville man in need of AC – June 17, 2017

A gentleman from Summerville, who was previously homeless, was now in a place of his own, working and doing well.  This fellow was known by an Ashley Ridge Church owner and in discussions with him she found out the room he was living in did not have any air conditioning.  The gentleman had a good job in the community but had just started working there and had no savings to speak of.  The ARC owner asked if Change for a Dollar could get him an air conditioner as the hot summer months were upon us and he did not have enough income/savings yet to be able to afford the AC.  Change for a Dollar purchased a window unit which she delivered to him.

AC window unit - $161.10

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Man dying from cancer has electric shut off – June 6, 2017

A gentleman from Summerville, known by many as a longtime resident, is terminally ill with cancer.  He has been living in a trailer in a local trailer park with many of his “extended family”.   The disease and the treatment has taken its toll on him and one of the other family members was tending to the bills.  Unfortunately, the electric bill was overlooked and the electric was temporarily disconnected.  Several folks from Ashley Ridge Church were looking for a way to help him with his trailer, which was in disrepair or some other means to lighten his burden during this difficult time.  The electric disconnect was an added inconvenience that at a minimum put additional stress on him.  He was content with staying with the family in their trailer and was not interested in relocating as this was his home and where he wanted to be in his final days.  Change for a Dollar made an additional payment on the electric bill to hopefully prevent any future disruptions in electric, especially with the current hot weather.

SCE&G Payment - $250.00