Monday, August 21, 2017

Dying man’s grandson helping fix up home – August 12, 2017

A Summerville man who has been battling cancer is very ill and has stop treating.  The trailer that he and his wife live in was in terrible disrepair.  Recently this grandson arrived to see if he could help with anything.  The grandson and two of his friends proceed to make repairs to the kitchen, master bathroom and patched the holes in the walls and floors.  The young men were trying to get the place repaired to make it more comfortable for the grandfather and more livable for the future residents.  The young men needed some additional materials that Change for a Dollar assisted with purchasing.  C4$ delivered several sheets of sheet-rock, and spackling equipment to help the young men out with the cost of the renovations.

Home Depot charges – $56.83

Food truck guest struggling – August 11, 2017

A woman who is regular visitor to the ETT food truck has custody of her grandson.  The young fellow is very enthusiastic and always jumps in to help with the ministry.  Recently she had some trouble with a tree limb that had broken off and fell on her house.  She and her grandson could not handle the removal.  A few volunteers form Ashley Ridge Church helped remove the tree limb.  In talking with her that day she shared that she was struggling financially at the moment due to some unexpected expenses.  When asked about her electric bill she indicated she was current but had a payment due in two weeks and was going to be short.  The volunteers approached Change for a Dollar who verified that she had been paying her bills regularly but the coming bill was a little larger and in fact due was due in two weeks.  Change for a Dollar assisted in paying half of her upcoming SCE&G bill.

SCE&G payment – $125