Monday, November 27, 2017

Injured woman returns to home with no heat – November 26, 2017

A referral came to Change for a Dollar from one of the Expanding the Table food truck guests.  A woman who often takes a couple of meals to go to deliver to folks who are home bound became aware of a local woman who had been hospitalized following a serious auto accident.  She was hit by a large truck and suffered serious internal injuries.  Upon release from the hospital she returned to her home where the heat had broken and due to the loss of work and medical bills was unable to afford to get it repaired.  The woman who comes to the truck was going to bring her a dinner and asked if there was any way the church or someone could help with a portable space heater.  Change for a Dollar got her a heater and a second one was donated as well so two heaters were delivered to her so she didn’t have to move it from room to room.

Space heater cost - $38.13

Homeless couple in need of assistance – November 12, 2017

A referral came to Change for a Dollar from a resident at the local homeless shelter.  He assisted a homeless couple who had just relocated back to Summerville from N. Carolina and they had just started jobs.  The place where they were promised as few weeks stay until their paychecks came in did not work out.  They were staying in a local motel and had secured a weekly rate from the motel manager but were running out of funds for both rent and food.  The fellow from the homeless shelter gave the woman a coat and some food from the shelter to help them out.  Change for a Dollar was able to assist with paying for an additional week stay at the motel until their first paychecks came in.

Motel costs - $385.00

Monday, November 6, 2017

Disabled elderly couple in need of food – November 4, 2017

An elderly couple had been regulars at the ETT Food Truck but had not come around in several months.  They returned just recently and some of the ETT volunteers reconnected with them.  They are a very cute couple and do a lot to help homeless vets living in the woods in West Ashley.   Recently the wife had a bad fall and broke her back, which was the reason they were not around.  They have very limited income and although Medicaid covered most of the medical costs they were struggling.  They only receive $68 per month on food stamps and are very frugal with their car trips to save gas.  They still in spite of it all continued to assist the vets.  Change for a Dollar helped out with a BiLo food gift card to help with the food budget.

BiLo food card - $75

Homeless man gets to see grandchild – November 1, 2017

A homeless man was in communication with his son about the possibility of getting to see his grandchildren. The son was able to have some extended time with the children but did not have the means to purchase a car seat for the trip to upstate SC to pick up the kids.  The son also did not have the extra funds for the gas for the trip as he was between jobs and funds were very low for him as well.  Change for a Dollar offered to assist with getting the car seat and a gas card so the son could make the trip, pick up the kids and the whole family could spend some long overdue quality time together.

Car seat and gas card ($80 + $50) - Total $130

Single mom living in hotel with kids – October 28, 2017

A referral from Ashley Ridge High School came to Change for a Dollar about one of their students.  A family of four is homeless and living in an extended stay hotel in N. Charleston.  The children go to school in Summerville and one is in Ashley Ridge High School.  An ARC owner works in the office had heard about the family and their struggles and contacted Change for a Dollar.  The family was planning a move in with a relative but that was still a week or so away from happening.  They had run out of money and needed a place to stay for one more week until they got a check.  Change for a Dollar assisted with a week’s stay at the extended stay hotel until they could get settled in their new residence.

Hotel Weekly Rate - $456.49