Saturday, December 29, 2018

Two ETT guests needed assistance – December 28, 2018

This past week two Expanding the Table guests expressed a need. The ETT sites are often place where folks can be found struggling with the financial burdens of everyday living.   One, a woman whose gas heat was not working properly and the service tech could not arrive for several days.  She recently had to undergo heart surgery and was in need of a way to stay warm while waiting on the repair.  Change for a Dollar offered a space heater to hold her over.  Another guest who uses a bicycle for his basic transportation had the front light stolen from his bicycle last week.  The police will issue citations for folks riding a bicycle at night without lights in the front and back.  Change for a Dollar offered to get him a new head light for his bicycle.

Walmart – heater & bike light - $63.47

Single mom in need of washer – December 26, 2018

Recently a Summerville single mom’s washing machining broke. She was steadily employed but didn’t have enough cash to buy a new washer and was not eligible for credit.  For many weeks she was making two trips a week to the laundromat to stay on top of the laundry.  While she was able to afford the laundry costs it was getting burdensome and expensive.  Not to mention the time it took to pack the kids up and go to the laundromat each week.  Change for a Dollar became aware of the situation and offered to get her a used washer.  The washer was delivered to house, which she very much appreciated.

Used washing machine - $300

Part time school worker needed assistance – December 12, 2018

An owner of Ashley Ridge Church contacted Change for a Dollar regarding a part time employee in the local school where she teaches.  The employee was a hard working woman and was a well-liked by the staff.  She lived in a very small house not far from the school where she worked.  The staff at the school had heard that she was struggling with her expenses and asked if Change for a Dollar could assist in some way.  Change for a Dollar asked if she could possibly use some help with her electric bill because the winter is a bad time of the year to have electric disconnected.  They inquired and they found out that indeed her bill was coming due and she did not have the funds.  Change for a Dollar checked on her account status and offered to pay the current month’s bill and the next month to give her some margin, especially around the holidays.

SCE&G payment – $130.00

Local man who helps other needed assistance – November 29, 2018

A gentleman from Summerville who is on disability regularly socializes with other folks in the community.  He is a very friendly and outgoing person that is liked by all.  He often will help folks in need in the community often sharing the little he has.  Recently Change for a Dollar helped a friend of his who was a single mom with her electric bill but now he himself had fallen behind in his bills.  He supplements his disability with the occasional odd job but had not any work recently and his electric bill was due and he didn’t have the money.  Change for a Dollar offered assistance and paid his outstanding electric bill.

SCE&G payment – $283.18

Two ETT guests without heat– November 17, 2018

Two regular guests at the Expanding the Table (ETT) serving site were having trouble with their heating systems in their homes.  There was an early cold snap in the Lowcountry and these folks were without heat.  An ETT volunteer asked Change for a Dollar if there was any assistance available or space heaters.  Change for a Dollar paid for two oil filled space heaters that the ETT volunteer delivered to the guests at their home.

Two heaters from Walmart – $80.98