Monday, February 23, 2015

Homeless man in need of medical care- 2/16/15

A Summerville homeless man was recently dealing with a severely infected finger.  The infection had gotten so bad his finger was swollen to twice its normal size.  He was self-treating with no success and when the pain got unbearable he was looking for transportation to the emergency room.  His infected finger did not warrant tying up very expensive emergency room resources.  ARC Change for a Dollar convinced him it was not a good idea to use the ER and offered to take him to a walk in urgent care facility which he agreed to.  The urgent care doctors drained, treated and bandaged the infected finger and prescribed an antibiotic.  Change for a Dollar assisted by paying the doctor bill and the cost of the antibiotic.

Amount: Medical bill and prescription - $238

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Local Church Warming Center Support - 2/6/2015

A small local Summerville church opens their doors in the winter as an emergency warming center for the homeless in the community any time the temperature gets below freezing. The church also has a small food pantry that they use to prepare meals for the folks who are spending the night to get out of the cold.  They will also give their guests and others in need a small bag of groceries from time to time.  This winter they were open for several nights and had a significant number of guests that resulted in the pantry getting much depleted.  Between breakfast and dinner for all the guests these past weeks they were in need of help to restock the pantry.  Ashley Ridge Church Change for a Dollar helped out the church pantry by purchasing some bulk groceries for the pantry until they could get some significant donations of food.

Amount: Costco groceries - $105.68

Disabled Mom needs help with electric deposit - 1/26/15

A single mom who is on disability and was homeless for a period of time was recently approved for subsidized housing.  She was thrilled to be able to have a home for her and the two girls but found that when it came to getting settled into the new home there was some unexpected expenses.  When she applied for the electric service to be transferred into her name there was an outstanding balance due on an account she was joint with her ex-husband.  SCE&G worked with her to pay off the past balance due but she only had enough money for a partial deposit on the new account.  ARC Change for a Dollar helped her out by paying a portion of the deposit.

Amount: SCE&G Deposit - $150