Saturday, February 7, 2015

Local Church Warming Center Support - 2/6/2015

A small local Summerville church opens their doors in the winter as an emergency warming center for the homeless in the community any time the temperature gets below freezing. The church also has a small food pantry that they use to prepare meals for the folks who are spending the night to get out of the cold.  They will also give their guests and others in need a small bag of groceries from time to time.  This winter they were open for several nights and had a significant number of guests that resulted in the pantry getting much depleted.  Between breakfast and dinner for all the guests these past weeks they were in need of help to restock the pantry.  Ashley Ridge Church Change for a Dollar helped out the church pantry by purchasing some bulk groceries for the pantry until they could get some significant donations of food.

Amount: Costco groceries - $105.68

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