Saturday, April 29, 2017

A WONDERFUL request at the smallest cost– April 29, 2017

A group of folks from Ashley Ridge Church meets weekly in a local park in the evening for Small Group.  This past week as they gathered one of the women was approached by a fellow she knew who frequents the park.  He asked what she was doing there and what where the books she was carrying.  She explained that her Small Group meets in the park on Tuesdays for bible studies etc. and that was her bible and a study book for the evening’s gathering.  The man told her he wished he had a bible that was easy to read and in large print.  She told him she would look into it for him.  She asked if Change for a Dollar could help and we found an NIrV version online which is easy to read and in large print.  We ordered it and she was able to deliver it to him the following Friday when she saw him next.  One of the least costly C4$ requests ever but a wonderful request to be able to fill.

NIrV Bible - $7.92

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