Sunday, December 17, 2017

Homeless man needed help with rent deposit – December 14, 2017

A local Summerville homeless man was taking a step towards independence.  He had recently gotten involved with a local church and was working hard at turning his life around.  Through his connections with the church he was able to pick up some odd jobs in the community.  He was hopeful of getting into a boarding house in Summerville after the first of the year but in the meantime he was renting a room in Ladson.  He needed some assistance with the deposit for the room.  Change for a Dollar was asked to assist this fellow with his rent deposit.  Change for a Dollar met with the landlord and paid for the deposit.

Rent deposit - $100

Monday, December 11, 2017

Church Angel Tree supplemental gifts – December 12, 2017

For the past couple of years Ashley Ridge Church has provided an Angel Tree for gifts for children that frequent the Expanding the Table food truck.  This year there was a large number of kids and a very large response from the church.  The distribution is scheduled for the coming weekend and an inventory of all the Angels and names of kids (new kids always arise at the last minute) indicated there was a shortage of gifts with no time to re-solicit folks to purchase.  The ETT ministry wants to insure no kid would be missed so they asked Change for a Dollar if it could assist with some funds for additional Christmas gifts for the additional children.  Chang for a Dollar paid for some additional gifts and several volunteers offered to  wrap them for the upcoming distribution.

Angel Tree Children Christmas gifts - $210

Homeless man needs prescriptions filled – December 8, 2017

An uninsured homeless man was recently hospitalized for pneumonia.  While in the hospital he was also diagnosed with COPD and spent a week in the hospital recuperating.  Being uninsured, he was given prescriptions upon discharge that he could not afford to get filled.  It was critical that he have his four medications to prevent a relapse or further complications.   Change for a Dollar was asked to assist this fellow with his prescriptions.  Change for a Dollar has a relationship with a local pharmacy where they offer a discount on medications and Change for a Dollar paid for those prescriptions.

Prescriptions for patients- $140

Monday, November 27, 2017

Injured woman returns to home with no heat – November 26, 2017

A referral came to Change for a Dollar from one of the Expanding the Table food truck guests.  A woman who often takes a couple of meals to go to deliver to folks who are home bound became aware of a local woman who had been hospitalized following a serious auto accident.  She was hit by a large truck and suffered serious internal injuries.  Upon release from the hospital she returned to her home where the heat had broken and due to the loss of work and medical bills was unable to afford to get it repaired.  The woman who comes to the truck was going to bring her a dinner and asked if there was any way the church or someone could help with a portable space heater.  Change for a Dollar got her a heater and a second one was donated as well so two heaters were delivered to her so she didn’t have to move it from room to room.

Space heater cost - $38.13

Homeless couple in need of assistance – November 12, 2017

A referral came to Change for a Dollar from a resident at the local homeless shelter.  He assisted a homeless couple who had just relocated back to Summerville from N. Carolina and they had just started jobs.  The place where they were promised as few weeks stay until their paychecks came in did not work out.  They were staying in a local motel and had secured a weekly rate from the motel manager but were running out of funds for both rent and food.  The fellow from the homeless shelter gave the woman a coat and some food from the shelter to help them out.  Change for a Dollar was able to assist with paying for an additional week stay at the motel until their first paychecks came in.

Motel costs - $385.00

Monday, November 6, 2017

Disabled elderly couple in need of food – November 4, 2017

An elderly couple had been regulars at the ETT Food Truck but had not come around in several months.  They returned just recently and some of the ETT volunteers reconnected with them.  They are a very cute couple and do a lot to help homeless vets living in the woods in West Ashley.   Recently the wife had a bad fall and broke her back, which was the reason they were not around.  They have very limited income and although Medicaid covered most of the medical costs they were struggling.  They only receive $68 per month on food stamps and are very frugal with their car trips to save gas.  They still in spite of it all continued to assist the vets.  Change for a Dollar helped out with a BiLo food gift card to help with the food budget.

BiLo food card - $75

Homeless man gets to see grandchild – November 1, 2017

A homeless man was in communication with his son about the possibility of getting to see his grandchildren. The son was able to have some extended time with the children but did not have the means to purchase a car seat for the trip to upstate SC to pick up the kids.  The son also did not have the extra funds for the gas for the trip as he was between jobs and funds were very low for him as well.  Change for a Dollar offered to assist with getting the car seat and a gas card so the son could make the trip, pick up the kids and the whole family could spend some long overdue quality time together.

Car seat and gas card ($80 + $50) - Total $130

Single mom living in hotel with kids – October 28, 2017

A referral from Ashley Ridge High School came to Change for a Dollar about one of their students.  A family of four is homeless and living in an extended stay hotel in N. Charleston.  The children go to school in Summerville and one is in Ashley Ridge High School.  An ARC owner works in the office had heard about the family and their struggles and contacted Change for a Dollar.  The family was planning a move in with a relative but that was still a week or so away from happening.  They had run out of money and needed a place to stay for one more week until they got a check.  Change for a Dollar assisted with a week’s stay at the extended stay hotel until they could get settled in their new residence.

Hotel Weekly Rate - $456.49

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Folks struggling with mental health issues – October 5, 2017

Many poor local Summerville residents are struggling with mental health issues that require specific medications.  Mostly being uninsured, the patients will be seen by doctors at hospitals where they were given prescriptions upon discharge that they cannot afford.  Often they wind up in the Emergency Room as a result of not having medications.  These folks need assistance for medications to avoid recurrence of emotional episodes.  Change for a Dollar was asked to assist a couple of folks with their mental health medication.  Change for a Dollar has a relationship with a local pharmacy where they offer a discount on medications and Change for a Dollar pays for those prescriptions.

Prescriptions for patients- $100

Newly divorced man behind on bills – October 4, 2017

A Summerville man recently got divorced but sadly the process was very contentious.  In the end this fellow was in serious financial trouble.  He was working at a new job in sales but unfortunately a lot of his salary was based upon commissions.  While dealing with the difficulty of the divorce and the financial hardship he was maintaining an apartment and paying his bills.  He had some car troubles that set him back a bit and was now struggling to pay all his bills.  While his electric bill was current he thought he would not be able to pay the next month’s bill on time.  He asked an ARC owner for help through the church.  Change for a Dollar paid his next month’s electric bill.

SCE&G Payment - $87.00

Single Mom struggling to make ends meet – September 18, 2017

An ARC owner was serving on the Expanding the Table food truck one evening when he became aware of a struggling single mom.  She had been coming to the truck in the past but has not been there in some time.  She shared that she recently was struggling to make ends meet.  She was still cleaning houses for a living.  She recently had to change jobs and was not getting as many hours she had at the old job.  The ARC owner ask if Change for a Dollar could assist by helping with a payment on her electric bill. Change for a Dollar paid a portion of the balance due to SCE&G.

SCE&G Payment - $125.00

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

People in need of assistance for medications – September 13, 2017

The local men’s homeless shelter recently has had an unusual amount of residents struggling with physical and mental health issues that required medications.  Also several poor uninsured patients of the local free medical clinic were struggling with the cost of their prescriptions.  They all were able to be seen by doctors at hospitals and free medical clinics under charity programs and in many cases they were given prescriptions they couldn’t afford.  Change for a Dollar has a relationship with a local pharmacy where they offer a discount on medications and Change for a Dollar pays for those prescriptions.

Prescriptions for poor and homeless - $100

Wyoming couple stranded/living in car – September 2, 2017

A couple from Wyoming was passing through Summerville when their car broke down. Both of them were on disability, the husband being a multiple amputee.  Both of them also appeared to struggle mentally as their plans and thought process often made no sense.  Their car, although not that old and appeared in decent shape, needed extensive repairs to the engine and suspension that was beyond its value or their means to pay.  The local repair shop was letting them live (for 3 weeks) in the disabled car in the parking lot of the establishment while they worked on their plans.  They had made tentative arrangements to purchase a used car from one of the repair shop mechanics at the beginning of the month when they got their disability payments but it was not a definite.  Change for a Dollar offered several options to help but they could not decide on what to do.  In the end they were short a few hundred dollars for the purchase of the car and Change for a Dollar offered to assist with the purchase to help them on their way. 

Assistance with car purchase - $200

Homeless men in need of medications – September 1, 2017

Several poor uninsured residents of the local homeless shelter were suffering from a variety of medical conditions.  They were able to be seen by doctors at hospitals and free medical clinics under charity programs and in many cases they were given prescriptions for their conditions.  The majority of them did not have sufficient income to afford the medications.  Change for a Dollar has a relationship with a local pharmacy where they offer a discount on medications and Change for a Dollar pays for those medications.

Prescriptions for poor and homeless - $100

Monday, August 21, 2017

Dying man’s grandson helping fix up home – August 12, 2017

A Summerville man who has been battling cancer is very ill and has stop treating.  The trailer that he and his wife live in was in terrible disrepair.  Recently this grandson arrived to see if he could help with anything.  The grandson and two of his friends proceed to make repairs to the kitchen, master bathroom and patched the holes in the walls and floors.  The young men were trying to get the place repaired to make it more comfortable for the grandfather and more livable for the future residents.  The young men needed some additional materials that Change for a Dollar assisted with purchasing.  C4$ delivered several sheets of sheet-rock, and spackling equipment to help the young men out with the cost of the renovations.

Home Depot charges – $56.83

Food truck guest struggling – August 11, 2017

A woman who is regular visitor to the ETT food truck has custody of her grandson.  The young fellow is very enthusiastic and always jumps in to help with the ministry.  Recently she had some trouble with a tree limb that had broken off and fell on her house.  She and her grandson could not handle the removal.  A few volunteers form Ashley Ridge Church helped remove the tree limb.  In talking with her that day she shared that she was struggling financially at the moment due to some unexpected expenses.  When asked about her electric bill she indicated she was current but had a payment due in two weeks and was going to be short.  The volunteers approached Change for a Dollar who verified that she had been paying her bills regularly but the coming bill was a little larger and in fact due was due in two weeks.  Change for a Dollar assisted in paying half of her upcoming SCE&G bill.

SCE&G payment – $125

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Former homeless man needs bicycle – July 20, 2017

A former homeless man was now living on his own in a place with his wife.  He has been working diligently at a landscaping job but rides a bicycle to work.  Recently his bicycle broke and his wife needed some major surgery.  He lacked any funds for a new bike and lately he has been walking to work every day which was about five miles each way.  Change for a Dollar got him a new bicycle for use to get to work.

Bicycle – $85.79

Poor and Homeless in need of medications – July 18, 2017

Several poor uninsured Summerville residents and residents of the local homeless shelter were suffering from a variety of medical conditions.  They were able to be seen by doctors at hospitals and free medical clinics under charity programs.  In many cases they were given prescriptions and or needed over the counter medications but the majority of them did not have sufficient income to afford the medications.  Change for a Dollar has a relationship with a local pharmacy where they offer a discount on medications and Change for a Dollar pays for those medications.

Prescriptions for poor and homeless - $100

Homeless man needs tent – July 18, 2017

A 42 year old homeless man has been homeless for some time.  He was recently staying at a facility for but due to a variety of circumstances he was no longer able to stay there.  He was given enough notice of the need to move out and word got to Change for a Dollar as to his change in status.  Change for a Dollar asked if there were any needs that he may have in moving on.  Most of his needs were met, lantern, luggage, toiletries, bedding, etc. but he was in need of a tent.  Change for a Dollar got him a good three man tent, large enough for him to sleep in and store his belongings.

Three man tent – $45.99

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Man living in camper needs cooking fuel – July 15, 2017

A man who lives in a camper somewhere in Moncks Corner frequently visits the Summerville area by bicycle.  In his travels he would often stop by the Expanding the Table Food Truck and the ARC office seeking assistance.  He regularly eats at the ETT serving but would stop by the office seeking other types of help, everything form bottles of water to food pantry items.  Recently he was looking for cooking fuel for his camp stove.  The staff of ARC contacted C4$ about his requests.  Change for a Dollar was able to help him with a bit of cooking fuel, quantities that he could transport on his bicycle back to his camper in Moncks Corners.

Cooking Fuel – $8.03

Woman with kidney failure needs washer – July 14, 2017

A woman with kidney failure who is on dialysis is awaiting a kidney transplant.  A regular guest of Katie’s Krops she is well known as a sweet woman who turned her life around from homelessness to having her own place.  Unfortunately, her health recently deteriorated to the point where she now needing a kidney transplant.  She has limited ability to get out and about but would still try to make the monthly dinners at Katie’s Krops.  It became evident that her clothes washer had broken and it was not easy for her to get to the laundromat.  Change for a Dollar became aware of the situation and approached Katie’s Krops to offer assistance.  Change for a Dollar was able to assist with getting a good used washing machine for the woman which was delivered by a group of friends of Katie’s Krops.

Washing Machine – $275.00

Single mom with blind son displaced – July 12, 2017

A single mom with a blind teenage son was displaced from her apartment.  She had relocated to a new apartment that had considerably higher rent.  She was on the landlord’s electric for a short time but now needed to put the electric in her own name.  She had a significant past due amount from her old SCE&G old account that needed to be paid prior to establishing a new account.  Unfortunately, the cost of establishing her SCE&G account far exceeded the means of Change for a Dollar at present time.  She was awaiting a disability check and would circle back in week or two and maybe we could help her more at that time.  In the mean time she needed gas for her vehicle to tend to matters so C4$ gave her a gas card to assist with that present need.

Gas card – $50

Friday, June 30, 2017

Single mom of three loses job – July 1, 2017

A single mom with three young boys was working with an ARC owner but was recently laid off from the office where they worked.  She was a hard working woman and quickly connected with a temp agency and picked up odd jobs immediately.  The family was living paycheck to paycheck and the loss of the job put the family in jeopardy of being evicted.  The woman was raising just enough money through her odd jobs to pay her rent for the coming month.  Any savings were quickly depleted and she was also looking at an electric disconnect notice within the next ten days.  The ARC owner, her former coworker, asked Change for a Dollar to assist. We arranged to pay the disconnect amount preventing the shut off thereby buying her some time as more steady employment became available.

SCE&G Payment – $202.46

Family tragedy leads to help with electric – June 22, 2017

A family known to the Ashley Ridge Church congregation / Expanding the Table mission recently suffered a terrible tragedy.  One of the family members was murdered late one evening.  This fellow was living with his mother and was one of the primary bread winners in the household.  His death has resulted in a loss of income for the family.  The church and many others jumped in to help the extended family with meals and assistance with the funeral expenses but it also became evident that the electric bills for the mother’s place were also in arrears.  Change for a Dollar assisted the woman in her time of need by making a substantial payment on her past due electric bill.  This helped in that it was one less thing she needed to worry about as the family grieved their loss.

SCE&G Payment – $454.08

Summerville man in need of AC – June 17, 2017

A gentleman from Summerville, who was previously homeless, was now in a place of his own, working and doing well.  This fellow was known by an Ashley Ridge Church owner and in discussions with him she found out the room he was living in did not have any air conditioning.  The gentleman had a good job in the community but had just started working there and had no savings to speak of.  The ARC owner asked if Change for a Dollar could get him an air conditioner as the hot summer months were upon us and he did not have enough income/savings yet to be able to afford the AC.  Change for a Dollar purchased a window unit which she delivered to him.

AC window unit - $161.10

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Man dying from cancer has electric shut off – June 6, 2017

A gentleman from Summerville, known by many as a longtime resident, is terminally ill with cancer.  He has been living in a trailer in a local trailer park with many of his “extended family”.   The disease and the treatment has taken its toll on him and one of the other family members was tending to the bills.  Unfortunately, the electric bill was overlooked and the electric was temporarily disconnected.  Several folks from Ashley Ridge Church were looking for a way to help him with his trailer, which was in disrepair or some other means to lighten his burden during this difficult time.  The electric disconnect was an added inconvenience that at a minimum put additional stress on him.  He was content with staying with the family in their trailer and was not interested in relocating as this was his home and where he wanted to be in his final days.  Change for a Dollar made an additional payment on the electric bill to hopefully prevent any future disruptions in electric, especially with the current hot weather.

SCE&G Payment - $250.00

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Newborn baby, cardiac arrest – May 26, 2017

A young couple from Summerville was expecting a delivery of their baby daughter with all indications she was healthy and a good size estimated to be about nine pounds.  For some unknown reason the baby went into cardiac arrest and wasn’t breathing as she delivered.  The doctors and nurses performed CPR on the baby to revive her.  They also cooled the baby’s body to help prevent organ damage.  Unfortunately she went into cardiac arrest for a second time and thankfully was successfully resuscitated again.  However, as a result of the CPR she had a fractured rib and it punctured an internal organ.  She has been in NICU at MUSC since her birth over a week ago.  The family has been driving back and forth from Summerville to MUSC and putting quite a few miles on the vehicles.  Change for a Dollar provided $100 in gas gift cards to help with the travel expenses.  An organization that the father volunteers with heard of the Change for a Dollar $100 donation and they also chipped in for additional gas cards to help as well.  While the family is optimistic and prognosis is good please pray for the family and the rapid recovery of the baby girl.

Gas cards - $100.00

Monday, May 8, 2017

Homeless man returns to N. Carolina– May 4, 2017

A young man originally from North Carolina was granted permission by his Parole Officer the right to move to Summerville because he had a solid job offer.  This worked out for a few months until he was laid off from the job and did not have the means to support himself.  He eventually found his way to the local homeless shelter.  He remained in contact with his Parole Officer the whole time who advised him that a program had recently opened up in NC for former inmates that included subsidized housing and a job.  As much as the young man wanted to remain in Summerville his best opportunity for regaining self-sufficiency was to return to NC and enter into the program.  Change for a Dollar assisted in purchasing a bus ticket for him to return to NC.

Bus ticket to NC - $54.00

Saturday, April 29, 2017

A WONDERFUL request at the smallest cost– April 29, 2017

A group of folks from Ashley Ridge Church meets weekly in a local park in the evening for Small Group.  This past week as they gathered one of the women was approached by a fellow she knew who frequents the park.  He asked what she was doing there and what where the books she was carrying.  She explained that her Small Group meets in the park on Tuesdays for bible studies etc. and that was her bible and a study book for the evening’s gathering.  The man told her he wished he had a bible that was easy to read and in large print.  She told him she would look into it for him.  She asked if Change for a Dollar could help and we found an NIrV version online which is easy to read and in large print.  We ordered it and she was able to deliver it to him the following Friday when she saw him next.  One of the least costly C4$ requests ever but a wonderful request to be able to fill.

NIrV Bible - $7.92

Disabled woman needed wheelchair repair – April 28, 2017

A Summerville woman who is a regular at the Expanding the Table dinner is disabled and is wheelchair bound.  She uses her motorized chair to get around, socialize and shop outside of her apartment. However, her wheelchair is covered by Medicare for indoor use only and the batteries get a more severe workout from the repeated drain and recharges with the outside use.  Medicare will only cover battery replacement once per year.  She recently had problems with the batteries which were found to be in need of replacement and her battery charger was also not working properly.  She was 4 months early on the insurance coverage to replace the batteries and was currently using a manual chair which she struggled with not having the upper body strength.  A volunteer from ETT was approach for assistance who contacted Change for a Dollar.  We spoke with the wheelchair servicing company and arranged to have her batteries replaced so she could start using her motorized chair again.

Wheelchair batteries replacement - $473.70

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Disabled “Missionary” in financial trouble– April 24, 2017

An elderly disabled Summerville woman for many years had been on a local mission to help the poor and the homeless in the community.  She had become to be known as the “Bread Lady” as she would make weekly visits to local grocery stores, get the last sale date bread and redistribute it to local food pantries, etc. in spite of her condition.  She was also very active in advocating for and helping the homeless.  Recently her medical condition had deteriorated to the point where she is now home bound.  Her disability and Medicare does not pay all the cost of her home care and she has significant co pays for the in home therapy, etc.  Her budget is very strained and she fell behind on her electric bill and was in danger of disconnect.  A year or so ago Change for a Dollar assisted her and she now humbly reach out for information on other organizations that may be able to assist.  Change for Dollar pointed her to some agencies that may help but we also made a payment to prevent the disconnect of the electric, plus a little extra towards the next bill.

SCE&G Payment - $300.00

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Man in subsidized housing struggles – April 11, 2017

A Summerville man who lives in a subsidized apartment in Summerville was between jobs and was struggling to pay his bills.  He was waiting to get a check from a new job but wasn’t expecting much as it was based in part on commissions.  He had to travel a bit further to his new job so he was using more gas than expected and it was straining his budget.  He was a regular guest at the Expanding the Table feeding ministry and asked one of the volunteers if we could help.  After exploring his needs the best option was for Change for a Dollar to assist with the electric bill which averages $125 per month. Change for a Dollar paid one month’s charges to SCE&G.  The ETT volunteer also personally helped by putting $20.00 worth of gas in his tank at the local station.

SCE&G Payment - $125.00

Young family battling cancer – April 10, 2017

A young family from Summerville was in the process of making some changes which included downsizing their home to fit their budget.  The wife of the family recently got a new job as a teacher and their prospects were looking better.  The wife unfortunately at the same time was diagnosed with cancer.  The family had to put the move on hold and has moved in with one of the parents during this crisis.  The wife has not been able to work as she undergoes treatment as it makes her very ill.  The finances are now stretched even further.  Change for a Dollar was approached for assistance.   Her treatments for the cancer are at MUSC downtown and the trip consumes a lot of gas. Change for a Dollar assisted with purchasing the family gas cards to assist.

Gas cards - $150.00

Young couple stranded in Summerville – April 7, 2017

A young man formally from Summerville relocated to San Antonio Texas after he aged out of the foster care system.  When he graduated from high school he had trouble making it in Summerville and moved to Texas in hopes of better opportunities.  In Texas he connected with a young lady and began attending a local church.  He was still struggling getting his life on track and had still been communicating with his last foster family in Summerville.  He arranged to return to Summerville with his girlfriend on promises from the foster family to help.  He left Texas in spite of the pastor from his church advising against the move.  Upon arriving in Summerville the foster family never returned his calls and did not meet him at an arranged meeting place.  He and the young lady gave up after a couple of days living on the streets and trying to connect.  He called the men’s homeless shelter in town but they had no beds and could not take in the girl.  Change for a Dollar was contacted by the shelter to see if we could assist.  Change for a Dollar contacted his pastor in Texas and confirmed the story.  He had the opportunity to go back and live with the pastor and his family. Change for a Dollar assisted the young couple with a bus ticket to return to San Antonio.

Bus tickets (2) to Texas - $394.00 total

Monday, March 27, 2017

Disabled/evicted woman in need of help – March 24, 2017

A Summerville woman was evicted from her trailer because of repeated disturbances on the property by the return of her estranged/abusive husband.  The landlord warned her but she was unable to control her estranged husband’s behavior.  She is also disabled and receives disability but the check was not due until the first of the month.  She found herself in a homeless situation with no money and had paid the last of any cash she had for a neighbor to take in her dog until she found a new place.  She was also having trouble connecting with extended family as those relationships were also strained and there was little room available at those residences.  The weather in the evenings was forecast to be quite cool so to keep her out of the cold Change for a Dollar paid for two night’s hotel stay and a food gift card to a restaurant close by the hotel.  She was hopeful with the coming weekend she would be able to connect with someone to help her out.

Two nights’ hotel plus food gift card - $160.00

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Woman in need of special clothing – March 17, 2017

A woman struggling with several medical conditions is very poor and struggles to get medications, etc. for her health care needs.  She recently was seen by the doctor who recommended some special therapeutic clothing that would help her fell more comfortable as she healed.  A volunteer from the clinic the woman goes to approached Change for a Dollar to see if we could assist with the purchase.  Change for a Dollar paid for the specialty clothing and the volunteer also chose on her own to purchase a couple of blouses for her as well as a nice gesture to boost her spirits.

Specialty Clothing - $56.45

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Homeless in need of Rx medications – March 15, 2017

Several residents of the local homeless shelter were suffering from a variety of medical conditions.  The residents were able to be seen by doctors at hospitals under their charity prograams and at the free medical clinic in town.  In many cases they were given prescriptions but the majority of them did not have sufficient income to afford the medications.  Change for a Dollar has a relationship with a local pharmacy where they offer a discount on medications and Change for a Dollar pays for those medication.

Prescriptions for four homeless - $150

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Disabled man in danger of eviction and electric shut off – Feb 13, 2017

A local apartment manager reached out to Change fir a Dollar for assistance for an elderly tenant who was on disability.  For whatever reason the tenant’s disability payments had been temporarily suspended and he was behind on his rent and his electric bill.  The apartment manager was patiently working with him as he rectified his disability payments but he was in danger of his electric being disconnected.  He had a past due bill that was beyond the means of Change for a Dollar to pay but the apartment manager said Summerville Baptist Church offered help as well but also could not pay the full amount and was hoping someone else would also assist.  Change for a Dollar coordinated with Summerville Baptist and the disconnect amount was paid preventing him from being shut off.

SCE&G Payment- $150

Homeless man in crisis – Feb 10, 2017

A homeless man was at a recent serving of Expanding the Table and was very upset and crying.  He was intoxicated and was talking of suicide as he was depressed about the anniversary of his departed wife which was a few days away.  A volunteer spoke with him for a while and was able to calm him down while another volunteer checked to see if the homeless shelter had a bed.  Unfortunately, because he was intoxicated, he could not go to the shelter that evening.  There was a bed available but he would have to be sober.  Change for a Dollar put him up in the hotel for the evening and the volunteer met him for breakfast the next day where he was in a better frame of mind.  He was transported to the shelter where he was accepted.

One night hotel stay - $65.00

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Homeless family needed help with lodging – Feb 3, 2017

A homeless family of 3 has been living in a hotel after losing a job and getting evicted.  They used the little savings that they had paying for the hotel room.  The husband had recently gotten a new job but the wife has been unable to work due to a recent diagnosis for a disabling illness.  They were confident that once the husband started receiving a paycheck they could back on their feet.  They asked Ashley Ridge Church for help who referred the case to Change for a Dollar which paid for one nights stay at the hotel.

One night hotel stay - $77.28

Homeless family in need of lodging – Jan 30, 2017

A homeless family of 7 came to the local men’s homeless shelter seeking assistance.  They had recently relocated from upstate SC to the area but job prospects did not work out as hoped.  The family has two disabled children for which they receive payments but they used up all their funds for the month living in an extended stay hotel.  For the past few days they were living in their car.  The husband was promised a job and would start in a few days and the disability money would come in on the first of the month.  The staff, a volunteer and one of the residents from the homeless shelter chipped in to pay for a couple of nights stay at a hotel but they were still short one day.  Change for a Dollar was approached for an additional night to carry them over till they started receive payments/paycheck. 

One night hotel stay - $65.00

Family with sick wife has financial trouble – Jan 26, 2017

An ARC owner got a call from a friend who told her of a young family who was struggling.  The husband was working construction but it was slow during the winter.  The wife has recently been diagnosed with Lupus and has been losing a lot of time at work. With the loss of income the family has fallen behind on the bills.  The electric was in danger of being shut off.  Change for a Dollar helped by paying the past due bill preventing the shut off.

SCE&G Payment - $476.35

Movies for Kids – Jan 27, 2017

A couple of volunteers with the Expanding the Table feeding ministry regularly interact with many of the children who come to dinner.  Many of the kids come from families that are struggling financially.  It became evident to the volunteers that several of the kids have never been to the movies.  They approached Change for a Dollar to ask if we could help with taking the kids to the movies.  They took a group of girls to a movie with plans to take a group of boys in the weeks to come.

Movie Tickets - $49.65

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Terminally ill man in need of assistance – Jan 10, 2017

A terminally ill man was living with his mother and his wife who are both disabled.  He was previously homeless following release from prison but recently was able to arrange to live with his mother and wife.  They shared a small single wide trailer but their combined disability payments barely covered all their expenses.  Before his illness progressed he was able to do some painting jobs but had become too weak to continue to work.  As a result the finances were stretched very thin.  He reached out Change for a Dollar for assistance with their electric bill.  They were not in danger of being disconnected but the bill was coming due next week and they didn’t have enough funds.  Change for Dollars offered some advice that they get on balanced billing with SCE&G to levelize their monthly payments and assisted with a payment towards their outstanding bill.

SCE&G Payment - $150.00

Single Mom struggling to make ends meet – Jan 5, 2017

An ARC owner was serving on the Expanding the Table food truck one evening when he became acquainted with a new guest, a single mom.  She had been coming to the truck for several days and the ARC Owner got to know her a little better.  She shared that she recently became single and was struggling to make ends meet as she cleaned houses for a living.  She recently lost a big customer and was have trouble keeping up as she didn’t have enough for day care to work when the child was not in school.  We referred her to several Lowcountry Human Services organizations that assist people but she had come up dry as the Christmas season had drained most resources.  The ARC owner ask if Change for a Dollar could assist with paying a past due electric bill to help avoid the service being disconnected.  Change for a Dollar paid the amount necessary to prevent the disconnect.

SCE&G Payment - $180.00

Heater for Elderly Woman– Dec 17, 2016

An ARC owner was on Facebook and became aware through a FB Friend that there was an elderly woman who didn’t have sufficient heat in her home.  She had one portable heater but it was not enough to keep her warm.  He asked if Change for a Dollar could help with an additional heater.  He reached out to the FB friend and told her Change for a Dollar could assist the elderly woman.  He purchased the heater and delivered it but in the process he learned that his FB friend had a son who really wanted a train set for Christmas but she didn’t have enough for that additional Christmas gift.  The ARC owner delivered the heater along with buying the train set himself as gift for the young boy.  Two folks had a good Christmas.

Cost of Heater - $34.99